Saturday, October 8, 2011

Baby Shower Game : the Price is Right

Oh, how I loved the Price is Right when I was a kid. Every summer, I would spend my mornings, bowl of cream of wheat in hand, watching the Price is Right. I had high hopes of winning a showcase showdown some day. A child sure can dream.

That leads me to the third game we played at the shower: the Price is Right, baby edition of course. Ryan and I went to Target and took pictures of about 10 baby-related items: diaper genie, baby food, formula, baby shampoo, diaper cream, baby monitors, etc. Ryan took pictures of the items with his phone, as well as their price tags. We made sure to choose items that had prices with odd change, such as $4.72 or $16.38 versus items ending in .99 or .00, it's more challenging that way.

Ryan took all of the photos and put together a PowerPoint. He even made a game show curtain backdrop. He's so good. During the shower, we hooked the laptop up to the TV, using an S-video cable, so that all the guests could see the products that they were "bidding" on.

Everyone got a mini whiteboard and marker. I used the mini whiteboards from my classroom, but I bought them originally at Target (4 for $1) in the dollar section, by the registers. You can usually find them there during the back-to-school season.

When an item appeared on the screen, everyone wrote down what they thought it cost. Be sure to mention the store that you took the prices from, because prices can vary greatly from store to store. And believe me those, who are competitive, will challenge you if you don't.

Everyone flipped their board over at the same time. The person with the closest price, without going over, got a point. The person with the most points, after all of the items, received a gift. It was fun to see how different the bids were. You could definitely tell who hadn't bought baby items in awhile (or ever), and who had little ones at home. Some of us were WAY off. I cannot believe how much formula costs! I think it was also informative for my sister. Now she knows what to expect.

Check out those gifts! My sister made out like a bandit.

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